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Comparison Chart for a 40-gallon water heater
40-gallon water heater
$545 to $749
Drain pan
Warranty against leaks
10 years
6 to 9 years
Superior quality
Cost of installation
$299 to $599
Installation kit (10 parts included)
Delivery (day)
Delivery (night)
Extra $125 to $225
Collection of old water heater
Extra fee for top floors
$30 to $75
Total cost
$1,074 to $1,723*
Find the water heater that’s right for you
Evaluate your
household water consumption
Low to average
Members of your household take up to 4 showers or 2 baths every day, you wash your clothes with cold water, and you run the dishwasher every 3 days.
Members of your household take more than 4 showers or 3 baths every day, you wash your clothes with hot water, and you run the dishwasher every day.