General questions about charging stations for electric vehicles
The level 1 charging station for your electric vehicle uses a standard 120-volt – 15-amp outlet. A full charge takes 12 to 16 hours.
The level 2 charging station uses a 240-volt (up to 30 amps) connection and its output varies between 5 to 9 kWh. It will take between 3 to 5 hours to charge an electric vehicle, which is quicker than a level 1 charging station.
Finally, a level 3 charging station uses a 400-volt + 50-amp connection and its output may vary between 50kWh to 100 kWh.
Absolutely. However, because the charging station will be connected to the building, you should get the building owner to take care of the installation fees and arrange a refund agreement with them.
Because the charging station will be connected to the building, HydroSolution recommends the owner takes care of the costs of the charging station. Please note that if your tenant ever leaves your building, your available (or shared) charging station will become an added value for future tenants.
HydroSolution has chosen listed above charging stations because they are the best in terms of durability, reliability, and performance. Furthermore, we have several makes and models to suit different needs and budgets.
- The charging station of your choice and installation by certified professionals.
- A 4 or 8-year rental agreement.
- A warranty on the parts and labour that exceeds the manufacturer’s warranty and covers the charging station for the entire duration of your rental agreement.
- Parts and repairs required during the term of your agreement.
- Transfer of lease: If you sell your home or move, it’s important to declare the lease to the new owner or tenant. The new owner or tenant will be responsible for the remaining term of the lease.
- Option of terminating the lease by purchasing the device in line with a depreciation table according to the device’s age. At the end of your lease, you can purchase the charging station for the symbolic amount of $1 or continue with the service contract that will allow you to enjoy peace of mind when it comes to repairs or damages.
- If the installation of your charging station is not a standard one and requires extra fees due to your home’s layout, we can include the costs of these fees in your monthly payment (excluding certain types of extras).
Government subsidies are available to you whether you purchase or rent your charging station. To benefit from a grant, the government requires your rental contract to be a minimum of 36 months. HydroSolution offers rental contracts for either 4 or 8 years.
You can purchase or rent (4 or 8-year terms) any charging station featured on our website.
Installation tips
Call 1 877 353 0077 and an advisor will help you assess your situation. After the evaluation, we’ll be able to let you know if any additional costs are required to update your electrical panel.
In the past few months, numerous condo associations have had members who want to purchase electric vehicles. HydroSolution is already a major provider of water heaters and leak detection systems in condo buildings and now wants to be a key player to support condo associations and co-owners who want to install electric vehicle charging stations. For now, we are assisting co-owners who have been authorized by their condo association to install a charging station in an indoor parking spot with an accessible electrical panel. We are also providing our services to condo associations and their managers who have already hired an engineering firm or electrician entrepreneur to work on their electrical infrastructure. Simply fill out a request for an online quote (link) and we will be able to evaluate your situation, guide you to the right resources if work needs to be done before the installation, and ensure that your installation meets your needs. Condo owners and building managers may also benefit from subsidies offered by the Government of Quebec that could correspond to up 50% of eligible expenses, up to $5,000 per level 2 charging station. There are numerous steps and technical requirements involved when installing charging stations in a multi-unit residential building.
HydroSolution only hires qualified entrepreneurs who are members in good standing with the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) and who have an electrician’s licence (subcategory 16). Electricians who work for us are members of the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ)
Purchasing your charging station comes with a 3- or 5-year warranty on parts (cable and enclosure) and a 1-year warranty on labour. When you rent a charging station, the warranty is equal to the duration of your contract, either 4 or 8 years. Enjoy unmatched peace of mind with rental.
If you’ve purchased your electric vehicle charging station from HydroSolution, we’ll send a technician to repair it at no extra cost during the warranty period. After the warranty period expires, repair fees will apply.
If the charging station’s failure is not related to its installation, extra fees may apply.
Support in case of an emergency
1 (877) 353-0077
First make sure that a fuse in your electrical panel hasn’t blown. Consult the manual you received when the charging station was installed. You’ll find answers to many questions. If your problem persists, please contact us by consulting the Support section.
All HydroSolution charging stations are eligible for the Roulez vert program. Find more out more here.
Unfortunately, you cannot move your charging station to another address without notifying HydroSolution and paying reinstallation fees or purchasing the device in line with the depreciation table as listed in your rental agreement.
However, if you sell your home, you can transfer the lease agreement to the new owner by including a statement about the lease for the charging station in the declaration of the seller and by contacting our team.
If you select a wireless installation (with a three-prong NEMA plug which is generally used for electrical appliances), you can move the charging station to the location of your choice as long as you continue to pay the monthly fee. Please note that only one installation is included in your rental agreement and any additional move/reinstallation will incur additional charges.